This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more. You will only see the senior survey if your school has enabled it and you have not already submitted it.

  1. Log in to your Overgrad account. If the senior survey is available to you, you can access it under My Profile in the header or on your My Profile page.


  2. You will see a list of your college applications in Overgrad. In order to complete the survey, you must select an answer for each question. If you applied to a college that you do not see on your list, you will need to add it.

    Applications that you indicated you planned to submit via Common App will be automatically updated once you submit the applications in Common App. If you didn't submit the application in Common App, you will be unable to make changes to the application status.

    Please note, if you select a college you will be attending, a final transcript request will be made to your counselor (if enabled).

  3. Once you have answered all the questions, click save. Please note, after you submit, you will not be able to edit your responses.