This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more. 

Interactions allow educators to capture more detailed information regarding student support. Interactions are visible to educators with the ability to view student information. 

Creating Interactions

To create a new interaction for a student, click on the interactions tab on the student page, then click add 

When creating an interaction, educators can record information about the outcome, method, topic, and delivery. Interactions also include a rich text-enabled text box, allowing for more detailed and customized formatting options, embedded links, and images or videos.  Interactions may be recorded in the present, past, or future. 

Once you complete all relevant sections, click save (scrolling may be required to view the save button depending on screen size)

Interactions are organized with the most recent interaction at the top of the page, and can be condensed by month by clicking on the ^

Clicking the ^ minimizes the interactions for the month:

To view more details about the interaction, click into the interaction window to see the full details

Editing Interactions

Find the interaction that you want to edit, click the ... menu and select Edit

Once you edit all relevant sections, click save to apply the changes. 

Deleting Interactions

Find the interaction that you want to delete, click the ... menu and select Delete

Click "OK" on the pop-up

You've now deleted the interaction.

Exporting Interactions

High School and District educators can export interactions from the interactions tab. 

First, go to the Communication dropdown menu and select Interactions 

Use the filters at the top of the screen to export interactions logged during a specific date range, by an educator, or with a specific outcome. To download a CSV your results, click the Export button

The export button will produce a CSV of all of the interactions on the screen, along with the following fields:

  • Student
  • Student ID
  • Student email
  • Assigned counselor    
  • Assigned counselor email    
  • Communication Method    
  • Topic    
  • Created by    
  • Created by email    
  • Date    
  • Time    
  • Duration    
  • Outcome
  • Description (the first line of text entered in the text box)