This feature is only available to Overgrad Pro customers. Please connect with an Overgrad rep if you are interested in learning more.
Custom Field Categories allow educators to group and organize district-wide custom fields. Only district-level account managers can create custom fields. You can refer to this article to learn more about Custom Fields.
Creating Custom Field Categories
At the Custom Fields screen, click on the Create New dropdown menu and select Custom Field Category
In the popup menu, you'll be prompted to name the category and assign it to a custom field group:
Once you're done, click the Save button
Editing Custom Field Categories
Categories for each custom field group will be displayed below the group header:
To rename or delete a Category, move your mouse to the title of the field, then click on the grey pencil icon that will appear just to the right of the Category name:
Type the new name for your Category in the popup and click save
To reorder the way in which Categories are displayed on the student or alumni profile, or application menu, hover your mouse over the six dots to the left of the Category name to drag the Category up or down in the group:
Organizing Custom Fields
When creating new custom fields, you will now be prompted to assign your field to a Category:
To assign existing Custom Fields to a Category, find the field, then click the ... menu to edit
- Previously created Custom Fields will be automatically grouped in the Custom Fields Category of your account
- You can view all of the Custom Fields in a Category by clicking on the down arrow on the right side of the Category row to open and expand that Category:
Click on the six dot menu to the left of the Custom Field name to reorder Custom Fields within a Category
Deleting Custom Field Categories
To delete a Custom Field Category, click on the grey pencil icon to the right of the Category name and select Delete Category
- Please note that you must assign any Custom Fields in that Category to a new Category before you can delete the Category